Check out the newest updates to the Magnus Platform! As a part of our commitment to improve our customers’ business processes, we continually make updates and add features in order to provide valuable solutions to transform our customer’s business as well as the transportation industry.
Some of the highlights of our newest updates include:
- Magnus Agent Module
- Carrier Vendor Expense Module
- Magnus Payroll Enhancements
Our customers can find the Magnus Platform Release Notes on Freshdesk.
Magnus Agent Module:
With the all-new Magnus Agent module, our system allows our customers to assign the unique role of an agent in the software. This provides our customers with the ability to provide limited visibility to a set of users (agents). Agents will be able to enter orders, build loads, dispatch loads, and have visibility of the loads while shipping, all in a controlled environment that limits overall access.
- Magnus Technologies Platform Update June 2021
Carrier Vendor Expense Module:
Magnus has added a new feature within the carrier software: the Vendor Expense feature. The Vendor Expense feature will allow our users to enter large expenses, split them and charge them directly out to drivers through payroll. As with other Magnus features, this feature can integrate with your accounting software to save valuable time in the handling of expenses.
Magnus Payroll – Enhancements:
Magnus has enhanced the Driver Pay module to include new features such as hourly and weekly pay for drivers and the ability to produce on-demand pay batches. Companies can now divide drivers into different payroll groups and pay drivers on-demand in addition to the more customary pay periods like weekly, bi-weekly, etc.